Join the Blugold Marching Band


The Blugold Marching Band is one of the nation’s premiere marching bands representing the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. The band features 425+ performers who present a ten-minute field show of popular music and stage-shows that audiences of all ages can enjoy. The band is known for its musical and visual power, high energy, and fan-friendly performances.

The band represents ~5% of students on the UWEC campus. While many are pursuing Music majors & minors, 70% of the band’s members are studying another subject on campus.

Every ‘other’ Winter Term, the band performs on a multi-week International Tour via a cruise ship. Typically, 75%+ of the band chooses to participate.

The application portal opens on March 4 prior to each Fall season.

2025 Calendar

Meet the Blugold Marching Band!


Time Commitment (see Calendar for details)

Tuesday - Friday — Class at 4:30 - 5:45p

Weekends — Football Games and Regional Exhibitions

University Requirement

All degrees on campus require completion of the Liberal Education (LE) core curriculum. When taken twice, Blugold Marching Band satisfies one category, the Liberal Education Fine Arts S3. If you have been accepted in the BMB through the application system you may register for MUSI 183 at summer orientation or during the on-campus registration period.


The cost of Blugold Marching Band membership is relatively low. For students who live on campus, University Housing charges $3 per night for early move-in (approximately four nights during camp). New members will need a BMB shirt, marching shoes and other supplies at a total cost of about $60. 

The only other fee is the cost of the annual overnight regional tour. This travel fee, in the amount of ~$50 is payable at camp registration. (Pricing will be confirmed via email prior to Band Camp Registration)

Band Camp

There is a training camp prior to the beginning of the fall semester. Attendance is required for all members.  Dorms open early for Blugold Marching Band members. You may move directly into your permanent housing assignments and miss the rush of regular move-in day. 


The Music Department provides drums, sousaphones, baritones, mellophones, and a limited number of tenor saxes and piccolos at no charge. These instruments are available for check-out during camp registration.



Admission to the Blugold Marching Band is competitive and is limited by our inventory of uniforms and equipment.  The band does not have an alternate system, therefore every person who is accepted will have a spot in the show.

Auditions are only required for the drumline, color guard, and dance team (April-May, see Calendar). Freshmen winds are admitted on a first-come, first-served basis.



This chart represents the optimal number of members in each section. The standard application deadline is June 1 but the application window may remain open through the Summer Orientation period if positions are still available. This instrumentation represents a total band size of 500. Section sizes may be adjusted according to talent pool.

If you see that your section is almost full do not let that dissuade you from applying for that section. We would rather adjust the section enrollment than force you to be in a second-choice section. Apply for what you do best.

We are looking for someone to head up our sideline electronics team. If you know a student with significant experience setting up sound systems (wireless mics, keyboards, speakers), please let them know this opportunity is available.

42 Piccolos
60 Clarinets
54 Alto Saxophones
26 Tenor Saxophones
36 Color Guard (auditions)
14 Dancers (auditions)
3 Drum Majors


80 Trumpets
26 Mellophones
66 Trombones
12 Baritones
24 Sousaphones
49 Drumline (auditions)
12 Management Team

Drum Majors, Drumline, Dancers, and Color Guard

Auditions for Drum Line, Drum Major, and Color Guard will be held through video submissions. Colorguard auditions are coordinated by Ty Zastrow ( Drum Line auditions are coordinated by Dr. Jeffrey Crowell (

Dancer auditions are being coordinated by the dance captains. Please submit your application to obtain information.


A critical component of Blugold Marching Band membership is your ability to commit to the entire performance schedule. Absence from a performance is not allowed except under extreme circumstances and by advance consent of the directors. Please look at our Performance Calendar before applying.

Music Education Majors: Marching band is a required course in your degree program. You must, however, submit this application to request a spot. You will not have a spot if your section is already full when you apply.